Награда команды GBOS - поездка в Чэньчжоу: Открытие лучшей версии себя!

Сентябрь 24, 2024
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In the shimmering sea of opportunities that is GBOS, each team member is a brave navigator sailing through the waves. To reward those elite members who have sailed forward with the company for 3-5 years, GBOS has specially organized a luxury trip to Chenzhou as a token of appreciation for their hard work and dedication.

1. Setting Sail: Embarking on the Journey, Sharing Joy Together

On September 19th, GBOS members embarked on their journey to Chenzhou. This was not just an exploration of nature but also a profound experience of the company’s culture. Guided by the core philosophy of “Happy Work, Peaceful Life,” every step taken by GBOS reflects a yearning for a better life. As the wheels turned, one could almost feel the joy and peace welling up from within, growing stronger with the changing scenery.

2. Exploration: A Symphony of History and Nature

Yangtian Lake: A Hymn to the Beauty of Nature
On the vast and boundless grasslands, GBOS members ran and laughed freely. They connected intimately with nature, feeling the pulse of the earth, the vastness of the sky, and the proximity of the animals. In this open space, they experienced boundless relaxation and freedom, a true reflection of the GBOS spirit of “Happy Work.”

Dongjiang Lake: A Space for Tranquil Reflection
The serenity of Dongjiang Lake, like a mirror, reflected the inner peace and depth of each individual. Here, members sailed across the calm waters, immersed in the tranquility. This serenity taught them how to maintain a calm heart amid the busyness and noise, embodying the essence of “Peaceful Life.”

Gaoyi Ridge: Climbing New Heights, Challenging Oneself
The magnificent Danxia landform made Gaoyi Ridge an ideal place for self-challenge. Team members climbed the peaks together, every step filled with sweat and perseverance. In this challenge, they not only strengthened their bodies and wills but also deeply appreciated the power and importance of teamwork. This strength is an indispensable part of GBOS’s corporate culture, providing every team member with a sense of belonging and achievement in their work.

711 Time Town: A Chronicle of Industrial Heritage
Entering this mining relic steeped in history, members felt as if they were transported back to the fiery years of the past. Here, they saw not only the hard work and selfless dedication of their predecessors but also felt a deep passion and commitment to their careers. This spirit resonates with GBOS’s corporate culture, inspiring every team member to devote themselves to their work and life with renewed enthusiasm, striving to realize their personal value.

3. Relaxing Body and Mind, Strengthening Team Bonds

As the journey concluded, GBOS members returned with a wealth of experiences. We sincerely hope that this carefully planned trip allowed every team member to relax, connect with nature, and strengthen team bonds. Together, in the days ahead, we will continue to work happily and live peacefully side by side!

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    Дата публикации: Сен 24, 2024
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