Dez anos de luz e calor, construindo sonhos com amor - Crônica da atividade de bolsas de estudo da GBOS Charity Foundation

janeiro 09, 2025
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At the glorious moment of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the GBOS Charity Foundation, GBOS carrying the deep goodwill and selfless love of our users and friends, stepped into the Rongjin Primary School in Jinsan Village, Caitang Town, Chaoan District, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province.

01 Love Action, GBOS Warmth

In order to create a more comfortable and better learning environment for the children of Rongjin Primary School, on December 24, 2024, GBOS Charity Foundation donated 250 sets of brand new student desks and chairs and installed 20 air-conditioners with the assistance of Guangdong Lions Clubs’ Skywalker Service Team.

This act of kindness has not only brought about a radical change in the school’s hardware facilities, but has also sown seeds of hope in the children’s young hearts.

02 Donation Ceremony, Passing on Love and Hope

When we walked into Rongjin Primary School, the children used their tender and enthusiastic hands to tie the bright red scarf for us, as an expression of their most sincere gratitude.

The fluttering red scarf, like a ray of sunshine in winter, warmed the heart of every participant. The children’s energetic smiling faces and clear eyes made us feel the power of love and hope.

At the donation ceremony, Rongjin Primary School presented us with a plaque of appreciation, and at this moment, we continued the transmission of love and care together with the love of our users and friends. The brand-new desks, chairs and air-conditioning equipment not only improved the teaching environment of the school, but also ignited the spark of dreams in the children’s hearts.

03 Social Responsibility and Commitment, GBOS Commitment

The donated materials sow the seeds of hope; the supported schools ignite the flame of dreams.

GBOS has been committed to fulfilling its social responsibilities in various forms and deeply integrating the concepts of giving back to the society and practicing ESG into the bloodline of corporate development. We know that every good deed is a far-reaching investment in the future, and a careful care for the children’s bright future.

Looking back on the past ten years, GBOS Charity Foundation’s footprints of love have spread all over the world: from the visit to the poor families in Nanshan Village of Heyuan, to the donation of school aid to Shatun Primary School in Longmen County of Huizhou; from the “Warmth Action” in Rongjiang of Guizhou, to the visit to and support for Changping Star’s Dream Children’s Rehabilitation Center in Dongguan…. …Each of these actions is a manifestation of GBOS and GBOS’s customers’ and friends’ deep affection for the society.

04 The heart remains the same, so that love can be transmitted to more places in the world.

In the future, GBOS will continue to work together with more users and friends to spread love to every corner of the world. We firmly believe that in the second and third decade …… GBOS Charitable Foundation will continue to write a new chapter, so that the light of love and hope will illuminate more hearts in need of care!

GBOS Charitable Foundation uses money from every customer and friend who supports and trusts us. For every GBOS machine you purchase, an amount ranging from 50-1000 RMB will be used for charity. We will treasure and pass on every piece of your love.

Let us join hands and contribute to building a better society!

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