The Mid-Autumn Festival: Together We Paint a Harmonious Picture of “Joyful Work, Peaceful Life”

setembro 21, 2024
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The Mid-Autumn Festival, like a dazzling pearl in the long river of traditional culture, not only reflects the deep longing for the warmth of home and reunion but also represents a heartfelt moment of spiritual connection and emotional harmony. In ancient times, poets used the moon as a symbol to express their deep affection for loved ones far away. Today, at Dr. Light, we take this festival as an opportunity to paint vibrant pictures of togetherness and harmony.

01 Festive Garden Party: A Splendid Chapter of Mid-Autumn Celebration

As the morning light of September 10th faded, the headquarters of Dr. Light was filled with the joy of the holiday. A carefully planned Mid-Autumn Garden Party began in the comfort of the afternoon breeze. Each department prepared exciting game activities, like twinkling stars decorating the event. The intellectual excitement of solving lantern riddles sparked creative thinking; the laughter from the blindfolded gong-striking game spread pure joy; the accuracy and strategy of the Rabbit Pot Toss game demonstrated a perfect blend of skill and tactics, while the recreation of Hou Yi shooting down the suns transported everyone back to the ancient legend. Every game was filled with laughter and joy, connecting the Dr. Light family in a fun and heartwarming afternoon.

02 A Feast for the Senses: A Dual Banquet for the Palate and Soul

As night fell and the lanterns lit up, a carefully prepared banquet slowly unfolded. The tables were laden with delicacies that looked, smelled, and tasted amazing, tempting everyone. But the most captivating part was the dazzling performances by Dr. Light’s employees. Cheerful dances flowed like water, warm songs were as gentle as moonlight, and touching dramas cleansed the soul like a fresh spring. Each performance, filled with the dedication and creativity of the staff, sparkled like gems against the night sky, making the banquet a dual feast for both the eyes and ears. The applause and cheers from the audience blended into the scene, creating warm, beautiful moments and making this Mid-Autumn night even more unforgettable.

03 Enduring Happiness: Together Toward a Future of “Joyful Work, Peaceful Life”

As the curtain slowly closed on the evening gala, the joy and happiness born from the heart, like the bright Mid-Autumn moon, continued to shine in our hearts. At Dr. Light, we deeply understand that “joyful work and peaceful life” is our shared pursuit and ideal. In the days ahead, we will continue to uphold this philosophy, working hand in hand with greater enthusiasm and unwavering belief to create a more brilliant future for Dr. Light. We believe that with the joint efforts of all our partners, Dr. Light will surely build an even more harmonious, joyful, and peaceful working and living environment, allowing every employee to realize their personal value and enjoy a fulfilling life of happiness!

Notícias recomendadas
  • The Mid-Autumn Festival, like a dazzling pearl in the long river of traditional culture, not only reflects the deep longing for the warmth of home and reunion but also represents a heartfelt moment of spiritual connection and emotional harmony. In ancient times, poets used the moon as a symbol to express their deep affection for loved ones far away. Today, at Dr. Light, we take this festival as an opportunity to paint vibrant pictures of togetherness and harmony. 01 Festive Garden Party: A Splendid Chapter of Mid-Autumn Celebration As the morning light of September 10th faded, the headquarters of Dr. Light was filled with the joy of the holiday. A carefully planned Mid-Autumn Garden Party began in the comfort of the afternoon breeze. Each department prepared exciting game activities, like twinkling stars decorating the event. The intellectual excitement of solving lantern riddles sparked creative thinking; the laughter from the blindfolded gong-striking game spread pure joy; the accuracy and strategy of the Rabbit Pot Toss game demonstrated a perfect blend of skill and tactics, while the recreation of Hou Yi shooting down the suns transported everyone back to the ancient legend. Every game was filled with laughter and joy, connecting the...
    Pub Date: set 21, 2024
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    Data de publicação: 27 de junho de 2024
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